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3 files changed, 384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/decoders/dali/ b/decoders/dali/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..564dbee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/decoders/dali/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
+## Copyright (C) 2015 Jeremy Swanson <>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program. If not, see <>.
+DALI is a biphase/manchester based lighting control protocol.
+from .pd import Decoder
diff --git a/decoders/dali/ b/decoders/dali/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24e6bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/decoders/dali/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
+## Copyright (C) 2015 Jeremy Swanson <>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# DALI Extended commands
+extendedCommands = {
+ 0xA1: ['Terminate special processes', 'Terminate'],
+ 0xA3: ['DTR = DATA', 'DTR'],
+ 0xA5: ['INITIALISE', 'INIT'],
+ 0xA7: ['RANDOMISE', 'RAND'],
+ 0xA9: ['COMPARE', 'COMP'],
+ 0xAB: ['WITHDRAW', 'WDRAW'],
+ 0xB1: ['SET SEARCH H', 'SAH'],
+ 0xB3: ['SET SEARCH M', 'SAM'],
+ 0xB5: ['SET SEARCH L', 'SAL'],
+ 0xB7: ['Program Short Address', 'ProgSA'],
+ 0xB9: ['Verify Short Address', 'VfySA'],
+ 0xBB: ['Query Short Address', 'QryShort'],
+ 0xBD: ['Physical Selection', 'PysSel'],
+ 0xC1: ['Enable Device Type X', 'EnTyp'],
+ 0xC3: ['DTR1 = DATA', 'DTR1'],
+ 0xC5: ['DTR2 = DATA', 'DTR2'],
+ 0xC7: ['Write Memory Location', 'WRI'],
+# List of commands
+DALICommands = {
+ 0x00: ['Immediate Off', 'IOFF'],
+ 0x01: ['Up 200ms', 'Up'],
+ 0x02: ['Down 200ms', 'Down'],
+ 0x03: ['Step Up', 'Step+'],
+ 0x04: ['Step Down', 'Step-'],
+ 0x05: ['Recall Maximum Level', 'Recall Max'],
+ 0x06: ['Recall Minimum Level', 'Recall Min'],
+ 0x07: ['Step down and off', 'Down Off'],
+ 0x08: ['Step ON and UP', 'On Up'],
+ 0x20: ['Reset', 'Rst'],
+ 0x21: ['Store Dim Level in DTR', 'Level -> DTR'],
+ 0x2A: ['Store DTR as Max Level', 'DTR->Max'],
+ 0x2B: ['Store DTR as Min Level', 'DTR->Min'],
+ 0x2C: ['Store DTR as Fail Level', 'DTR->Fail'],
+ 0x2D: ['Store DTR as Power On Level', 'DTR->Poweron'],
+ 0x2E: ['Store DTR as Fade Time', 'DTR->Fade'],
+ 0x2F: ['Store DTR as Fade Rate', 'DTR->Rate'],
+ 0x80: ['Store DTR as Short Address', 'DTR->Add'],
+ 0x81: ['Enable Memory Write', 'WEn'],
+ 0x90: ['Query Status', 'Status'],
+ 0x91: ['Query Ballast', 'Ballast'],
+ 0x92: ['Query Lamp Failure', 'LmpFail'],
+ 0x93: ['Query Power On', 'Power On'],
+ 0x94: ['Query Limit Error', 'Limit Err'],
+ 0x95: ['Query Reset', 'Reset State'],
+ 0x96: ['Query Missing Short Address', 'NoSrt'],
+ 0x97: ['Query Version', 'Ver'],
+ 0x98: ['Query DTR', 'GetDTR'],
+ 0x99: ['Query Device Type', 'Type'],
+ 0x9A: ['Query Physical Minimum', 'PhysMin'],
+ 0x9B: ['Query Power Fail', 'PowerFailed'],
+ 0x9C: ['Query DTR1', 'GetDTR1'],
+ 0x9D: ['Query DTR2', 'GetDTR2'],
+ 0xA0: ['Query Level', 'GetLevel'],
+ 0xA1: ['Query Max Level', 'GetMax'],
+ 0xA2: ['Query Min Level', 'GetMin'],
+ 0xA3: ['Query Power On', 'GetPwrOn'],
+ 0xA4: ['Query Fail Level', 'GetFail'],
+ 0xA5: ['Query Fade Rate', 'GetRate'],
+ 0xA6: ['Query Power Fail', 'PwrFail'],
+ 0xC0: ['Query Groups 0-7', 'GetGrpsL'],
+ 0xC1: ['Query Groups 7-15', 'GetGrpsH'],
+ 0xC2: ['Query BRNH', 'BRNH'],
+ 0xC3: ['Query BRNM', 'BRNM'],
+ 0xC4: ['Query BRNL', 'BRNL'],
+ 0xC5: ['Query Memory', 'GetMem'],
+# DALI device type 8
+DALIDeviceType8 = {
+ 0xE0: ['Set Temp X-Y Coordinate', 'Set X-Y'],
+ 0xE2: ['Activate Colour Set point', 'Activate SetPoint'],
+ 0xE7: ['Set Colour Temperature Tc', 'DTRs->ColTemp'],
+ 0xF9: ['Query Features', 'QryFeats'],
+ 0xFA: ['Query Current Setpoint Colour', 'GetSetPoint'],
diff --git a/decoders/dali/ b/decoders/dali/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb76f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/decoders/dali/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
+## Copyright (C) 2015 Jeremy Swanson <>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import sigrokdecode as srd
+from .lists import *
+class SamplerateError(Exception):
+ pass
+class Decoder(srd.Decoder):
+ api_version = 2
+ id = 'dali'
+ name = 'DALI'
+ longname = 'Digital Addressable Lighting Interface'
+ desc = 'DALI lighting control protocol.'
+ license = 'gplv2+'
+ inputs = ['logic']
+ outputs = ['dali']
+ channels = (
+ {'id': 'dali', 'name': 'DALI', 'desc': 'DALI data line'},
+ )
+ options = (
+ {'id': 'polarity', 'desc': 'Polarity', 'default': 'active-low',
+ 'values': ('active-low', 'active-high')},
+ )
+ annotations = (
+ ('bit', 'Bit'),
+ ('startbit', 'Startbit'),
+ ('sbit', 'Select bit'),
+ ('ybit', 'Individual or group'),
+ ('address', 'Address'),
+ ('command', 'Command'),
+ ('reply', 'Reply data'),
+ ('raw', 'Raw data'),
+ )
+ annotation_rows = (
+ ('bits', 'Bits', (0,)),
+ ('raw', 'Raw data', (7,)),
+ ('fields', 'Fields', (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,)),
+ )
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.samplerate = None
+ self.samplenum = None
+ self.edges, self.bits, self.ss_es_bits = [], [], []
+ self.state = 'IDLE'
+ self.nextSamplePoint = None
+ self.nextSample = None
+ self.devType = None
+ def start(self):
+ self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN)
+ self.old_ir = 1 if self.options['polarity'] == 'active-low' else 0
+ def metadata(self, key, value):
+ if key == srd.SRD_CONF_SAMPLERATE:
+ self.samplerate = value
+ # One bit: 833.33us (one half low, one half high).
+ # This is how may samples are in 1TE.
+ self.halfbit = int((self.samplerate * 0.0008333) / 2.0)
+ def putb(self, bit1, bit2, data):
+ ss, es = self.ss_es_bits[bit1][0], self.ss_es_bits[bit2][1]
+ self.put(ss, es, self.out_ann, data)
+ def handle_bits(self, length):
+ a, c, f, g, b = 0, 0, 0, 0, self.bits
+ # Individual raw bits.
+ for i in range(length):
+ if i == 0:
+ ss = max(0, self.bits[0][0])
+ else:
+ ss = self.ss_es_bits[i - 1][1]
+ es = self.bits[i][0] + (self.halfbit * 2)
+ self.ss_es_bits.append([ss, es])
+ self.putb(i, i, [0, ['%d' % self.bits[i][1]]])
+ # Bits[0:0]: Startbit
+ s = ['Startbit: %d' % b[0][1], 'ST: %d' % b[0][1], 'ST', 'S', 'S']
+ self.putb(0, 0, [1, s])
+ self.putb(0, 0, [7, s])
+ # Bits[1:8]
+ for i in range(8):
+ f |= (b[1 + i][1] << (7 - i))
+ if length == 9: # BACKWARD Frame
+ s = ['Reply: %02X' % f, 'Rply: %02X' % f,
+ 'Rep: %02X' % f, 'R: %02X' % f, 'R']
+ self.putb(1, 8, [7, s])
+ s = ['Reply: %d' % f, 'Rply: %d' % f,
+ 'Rep: %d' % f, 'R: %d' % f, 'R']
+ self.putb(1, 8, [6, s])
+ return
+ # Bits[9:16]: Command/data (MSB-first)
+ for i in range(8):
+ c |= (b[9 + i][1] << (7 - i))
+ # Raw output
+ s = ['Raw data: %02X' % f, 'Raw: %02X' % f,
+ 'Raw: %02X' % f, 'R: %02X' % f, 'R']
+ self.putb(1, 8, [7, s])
+ s = ['Raw data: %02X' % c, 'Raw: %02X' % c,
+ 'Raw: %02X' % c, 'R: %02X' % c, 'R']
+ self.putb(9, 16, [7, s])
+ # Bits[8:8]: Select bit
+ # s = ['Selectbit: %d' % b[8][1], 'SEL: %d' % b[8][1], 'SEL', 'SE', 'S']
+ if b[8][1] == 1:
+ s = ['Command', 'Comd', 'COM', 'CO', 'C']
+ else:
+ s = ['Arc Power Level', 'Arc Pwr', 'ARC', 'AC', 'A']
+ self.putb(8, 8, [1, s])
+ # f &= 254 # Clear the select bit.
+ if f >= 254: # BROADCAST
+ s = ['BROADCAST', 'Brdcast', 'BC', 'B', 'B']
+ self.putb(1, 7, [5, s])
+ elif f >= 160: # Extended command 0b10100000
+ self.devType = -1
+ x = extendedCommands.get(f, ['Unknown', 'Unk'])
+ s = ['Extended Command: %02X (%s)' % (f, x[0]),
+ 'XC: %02X (%s)' % (f, x[1]),
+ 'XC: %02X' % f, 'X: %02X' % f, 'X']
+ self.putb(1, 8, [5, s])
+ elif f >= 128: # Group
+ # Bits[1:1]: Ybit
+ s = ['YBit: %d' % b[1][1], 'YB: %d' % b[1][1], 'YB', 'Y', 'Y']
+ self.putb(1, 1, [3, s])
+ g = (f & 127) >> 1
+ s = ['Group address: %d' % g, 'Group: %d' % g,
+ 'GP: %d' % g, 'G: %d' % g, 'G']
+ self.putb(2,7, [4, s])
+ else: # Short address
+ # Bits[1:1]: Ybit
+ s = ['YBit: %d' % b[1][1], 'YB: %d' % b[1][1], 'YB', 'Y', 'Y']
+ self.putb(1, 1, [3, s])
+ a = f >> 1
+ # x = system.get(a, ['Unknown', 'Unk'])
+ s = ['Short address: %d' % a, 'Addr: %d' % a,
+ 'Addr: %d' % a, 'A: %d' % a, 'A']
+ self.putb(2, 7, [4, s])
+ # Bits[9:16]: Command/data (MSB-first)
+ if f >= 160 and f < 254:
+ if self.devType == -1:
+ self.devType = c
+ s = ['Type: %d' % c, 'Typ: %d' % c,
+ 'Typ: %d' % c, 'T: %d' % c, 'D']
+ else:
+ self.devType = None
+ s = ['Data: %d' % c, 'Dat: %d' % c,
+ 'Dat: %d' % c, 'D: %d' % c, 'D']
+ elif b[8][1] == 1:
+ un = c & 0xF0
+ ln = c & 0x0F
+ if un == 0x10: # Set scene command
+ x = ['Recall Scene %d' % ln, 'SC %d' % ln]
+ elif un == 0x40:
+ x = ['Store DTR as Scene %d' % ln, 'SC %d = DTR' % ln]
+ elif un == 0x50:
+ x = ['Delete Scene %d' % ln, 'DEL SC %d' % ln]
+ elif un == 0x60:
+ x = ['Add to Group %d' % ln, 'Grp %d Add' % ln]
+ elif un == 0x70:
+ x = ['Remove from Group %d' % ln, 'Grp %d Del' % ln]
+ elif un == 0xB0:
+ x = ['Query Scene %d Level' % ln, 'Sc %d Level' % ln]
+ elif c >= 224: # Application specific commands
+ if self.devType == 8:
+ x = DALIDeviceType8.get(c, ['Unknown App', 'Unk'])
+ else:
+ x = ['Application Specific Command %d' % c, 'App Cmd %d' % c]
+ else:
+ x = DALICommands.get(c, ['Unknown', 'Unk'])
+ s = ['Command: %d (%s)' % (c, x[0]), 'Com: %d (%s)' % (c, x[1]),
+ 'Com: %d' % c, 'C: %d' % c, 'C']
+ else:
+ s = ['Arc Power Level: %d' % c, 'Level: %d' % c,
+ 'Lev: %d' % c, 'L: %d' % c, 'L']
+ self.putb(9, 16, [5, s])
+ def reset_decoder_state(self):
+ self.edges, self.bits, self.ss_es_bits = [], [], []
+ self.state = 'IDLE'
+ # self.devType = None
+ def decode(self, ss, es, data):
+ if not self.samplerate:
+ raise SamplerateError('Cannot decode without samplerate.')
+ bit = 0;
+ for (self.samplenum, pins) in data:
+ = pins[0]
+ # data.itercnt += 1
+ # data.logic_mask = 1
+ # data.cur_pos = self.samplenum
+ # data.edge_index = -1
+ if self.options['polarity'] == 'active-high':
+ ^= 1 # Invert.
+ # State machine.
+ if self.state == 'IDLE':
+ # Wait for any edge (rising or falling).
+ if self.old_ir ==
+ # data.exp_logic = self.exp_logic
+ # data.logic_mask = 1
+ # logic.cur_pos = self.samplenum
+ continue
+ self.edges.append(self.samplenum)
+ self.state = 'PHASE0'
+ self.old_ir =
+ # Get the next sample point.
+ # self.nextSamplePoint = self.samplenum + int(self.halfbit / 2)
+ self.old_ir =
+ # bit =
+ # data.itercnt += int((self.halfbit - 1) * 0.5)
+ continue
+ # if(self.samplenum == self.nextSamplePoint):
+ # bit =
+ # continue
+ if (self.old_ir !=
+ self.edges.append(self.samplenum)
+ elif (self.samplenum == (self.edges[-1] + int(self.halfbit * 1.5))):
+ self.edges.append(self.samplenum - int(self.halfbit * 0.5))
+ else:
+ continue
+ bit = self.old_ir
+ if self.state == 'PHASE0':
+ self.phase0 = bit
+ self.state = 'PHASE1'
+ elif self.state == 'PHASE1':
+ if (bit == 1) and (self.phase0 == 1): # Stop bit
+ if len(self.bits) == 17 or len(self.bits) == 9:
+ # Forward or Backward
+ self.handle_bits(len(self.bits))
+ self.reset_decoder_state() # Reset upon errors.
+ continue
+ else:
+ self.bits.append([self.edges[-3], bit])
+ self.state = 'PHASE0'
+ # self.nextSamplePoint = self.edges[-1] + int(self.halfbit / 2)
+ self.old_ir =