path: root/
diff options
authorYaohan Chen <>2015-04-16 20:37:15 -0400
committerYaohan Chen <>2015-04-16 20:37:15 -0400
commit13a1153d52347b769c71cdf0fdec37d91cc602af (patch)
treec9cdce75d8d43415364e36eff2c36920481db20c /
parent3b9be87188dc5dc1f1fcbe8e9a73d9f74546a050 (diff)
Use humblebundle-python to work with HIB API
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index e0ddb33..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-system = require('system')
-# prints a log message if the LOG environment variable is set
-if system.env.LOG?
- exports.log = log = (message) ->
- system.stderr.writeLine "#{new Date().toString()} #{message}"
- exports.log = log = ->
-# prints a message to stderr, reads a line of input, and returns the input
-exports.ask = ask = (message) ->
- system.stderr.write message
- system.stdin.readLine()
-# a page that directs its console messages to exportss.log = page = require('webpage').create()
-page.onConsoleMessage = log
-child_process = require('child_process')
-# displays a screenshot of the page, and returns the 'display' process object
-exports.display_screenshot = display_screenshot = ->
- # FIXME use mktemp, or write to display process directly
- screenshot = '/tmp/hib-dlagent-phantomjs.png'
- page.render screenshot
- child_process.spawn 'display', [screenshot]
-# checks if there is a login form, and if so, completes it and returns true
-exports.handle_login = handle_login = (username, password) ->
- if page.evaluate(-> document.querySelector 'input[name="username"]')
- log 'Entering login information...'
- page.evaluate (username, password) ->
- username_box = document.querySelector 'input[name="username"]'
- password_box = document.querySelector 'input[name="password"]'
- username_box?.value = username
- password_box?.value = password
- (username_box or password_box)?
- , username, password
-# checks if there is captcha, and if so, handles it and returns true
-exports.handle_captcha = handle_captcha = ->
- if page.evaluate(-> document.querySelector '#recaptcha_response_field')
- log 'Humble Bundle wants you to solve a captcha. Displaying screenshot...'
- display_process = display_screenshot()
- input = ask 'Enter the captcha solution, or press Enter to get a new challenge: '
- display_process.kill()
- page.evaluate (input)->
- if input is ''
- Recaptcha.reload()
- else
- captcha_box = document.querySelector '#recaptcha_response_field'
- captcha_box?.value = input
- , input
-# handles login/captcha, repeating if necessary, and performs the action
-exports.handle_login_captcha = handle_login_captcha = (action, username, password) ->
- entered_login = handle_login(username, password)
- entered_captcha = handle_captcha()
- if entered_login or entered_captcha
- # Entered information, submit and check for captcha/login again after load finishes
- log 'Submitting login information and/or captcha response...'
- page.onLoadFinished = -> handle_login_captcha action, username, password
- page.evaluate ->
- # FIXME make sure we're submitting the right form
- form = document.querySelector('form')
- form?.submit()
- else
- log 'Logged in...'
- action()