diff options
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 307 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c7d691..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-from time import time as current_time
-import sys, itertools
-import numpy
-from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
-from scipy.integrate import odeint
-from scipy.optimize import fmin
-from matplotlib import pyplot
-global time0
-time0 = current_time()
-tau = 2*numpy.pi
-def taylor_sin(a):
- x = a % tau
- r = (x
- -x**3/6
- +x**5/120
- -x**7/5040
- +x**9/362880
- -x**11/39916800
- +x**13/6227020800
- -x**15/1307674368000
- +x**17/355687428096000
- -x**19/121645100408832000
- +x**21/51090942171709440000
- -x**23/25852016738884976640000
- +x**25/15511210043330985984000000
- -x**27/10888869450418352160768000000
- #+x**29/8841761993739701954543616000000
- #-x**31/8222838654177922817725562880000000
- #+x**33/8683317618811886495518194401280000000
- #-x**35/10333147966386144929666651337523200000000
- #+x**37/13763753091226345046315979581580902400000000
- #-x**39/20397882081197443358640281739902897356800000000
- )
- return r
-def taylor_cos(a):
- x = a % tau
- r = (1
- -x**2/2
- +x**4/24
- -x**6/720
- +x**8/40320
- -x**10/3628800
- +x**12/479001600
- -x**14/87178291200
- +x**16/20922789888000
- -x**18/6402373705728000
- +x**20/2432902008176640000
- -x**22/1124000727777607680000
- +x**24/620448401733239439360000
- -x**26/403291461126605635584000000
- #+x**28/304888344611713860501504000000
- #-x**30/265252859812191058636308480000000
- #+x**32/263130836933693530167218012160000000
- #-x**34/295232799039604140847618609643520000000
- #+x**36/371993326789901217467999448150835200000000
- #-x**38/523022617466601111760007224100074291200000000
- )
- return r
-### trig approximations
-cos = taylor_cos
-sin = taylor_sin
-### radii:
-global r0, r_roll, length
-r0 = 1.151467 #meters -- the length of cable in the first full-circle rotation
-r_anchor = .2 #meters -- the radius of the anchor point
-r_roll = .2045575 #meters -- the max radius of the roll of cable
-length = 578.63682 #meters -- the length of the cable
-phi_max = 2 * (length - r0) / r_roll #rad
-r = lambda phi: r0 + r_roll*(1 - phi/(2*phi_max))*phi # cable length let out
-r_dot_co = lambda phi: r_roll*(1 - phi/phi_max) #*phi1
-r_sat = lambda phi: numpy.sqrt(r(phi)**2 + r_anchor) # radius of satellite
-### gravitational acceleration:
-geopotential = 3.987 * 10**14 #cubic meters per second^2
-earth_radius = 6.3675 * 10**6 #meters
-balloon_height = 40*10**3
-height = lambda phi: balloon_height + r(phi) * cos(phi)
-g = lambda phi: geopotential / (earth_radius + height(phi))**2
-### quadratic friction:
-density = .003 #kg/m^3
-kappa = .25 # for a sphere
-radius = .1 #meters -- radius of the satellite cage
-Area = numpy.pi * radius **2 # for a sphere
-quad_co = kappa * density * Area
-# fric_quad = quad_co * (r * phi1 * vcm_co)**2
-### mass:
-global m, Mass
-m = 39.7 #kilograms -- mass of the satellite cage (overestimate)
-l = 0.16 #kilograms/meter -- density of Super Max cable, 16mm: 269.8kN
-l = 0.41 #kilograms/meter -- density of Super Max cable, 26mm: 647.4kN
-max_tension = 647.4 #kN, given by choice of cable above.
-Mass = 670 #kilograms -- mass of /everything/
-M = lambda phi: Mass - m - l*r(phi)
-r_cm = lambda phi: (m*r(phi) + .5*l*r(phi)**2) / (m + l*r(phi) + M(phi))
-v_cm_co = lambda phi: 1 - r_cm(phi)/r(phi)
-def throw(phi, time):
- """The diff eqs for the windup."""
- phi, phi1 = phi
- prime_vars = [
- # phi' = phi'
- phi1,
- # phi'' =
- ( (r_sat(phi)*r_anchor/r(phi) - r_dot_co(phi)) * phi1**2
- + g(phi) * ( sin(phi) - cos(phi)*r_anchor/r(phi) )
- - quad_co * ( v_cm_co(phi) * r(phi) * phi1 )**2 / m
- ) / r_sat(phi)
- ]
- return prime_vars
-#good final times: 20 185 1874
-def solve_fun(func, init_vars, timespace):
- time0 = current_time()
- time = numpy.linspace(*timespace)
- soln = odeint(func, init_vars, time)
- print " :: took %s seconds" % (current_time() - time0)
- return time, soln
-TimespaceTooSmall = Warning(" *** Requires larger timespace!!! *** ")
-def interpret(soln, max_tension):
- phi = soln[:, 0]
- phi1 = soln[:, 1]
- v_tan = v_cm_co(phi) * phi1 * r(phi) / 1000 #kilometers/second
- tension = (m*r_sat(phi)/r(phi))*(phi1**2 * r(phi) - g(tau/4))/1000 #kN
- cable_moment = l*((r(phi) - r_cm(phi))**3 - r_cm(phi)**3)/3 #kg m^2
- moment = m*(r(phi) - r_cm(phi))**2 + cable_moment - M(phi)*r_cm(phi)**2
- momentum = moment*phi1**2 #kg m^2/s^2
- try:
- maxindex = numpy.argmax(tension >= max_tension)
- max_arg = numpy.argmax(v_tan[:maxindex])
- except ValueError: max_arg = numpy.argmax(v_tan)
- if phi[max_arg] > abs(phi[-1] - tau):
- raise TimespaceTooSmall
- return phi, phi1, v_tan, tension, moment, momentum, max_arg
-def solver(func, init_vars, timespace=(0,600,10**5), max_tension=max_tension,
- returns=['time', 'variables', 'slices', 'maxes']):
- time0 = current_time()
- for n in itertools.count(1):
- time, soln = solve_fun(func, init_vars, timespace)
- try: variables, max_arg = interpret(soln, max_tension)
- except TimespaceTooSmall:
- timespace = map(lambda x: x*.2*1.5**n, timespace)
- continue
- break
- getslice = lambda x: numpy.ndarray.__getslice__(x, 0, max_arg+1)
- getmax = lambda x: numpy.ndarray.__getitem__( x, max_arg )
- slices = map(getslice, (time,) + variables)
- maxes = map(getmax, (time,) + variables)
- print ": took %s seconds to solve" % (current_time() - time0)
- out = []
- for item in returns: out.append(vars()[item])
- return tuple(out)
-def plot(solved, graphs=['all'], i=7):
- time, variables, slices, maxes = solved
- phi, phi1, v_tan, tension, moment, momentum = variables
- (phi_max, phi1_max, v_tan_max,
- tension_max, moment_max, momentum_max) = maxes
- def test(*args):
- b = 0
- for string in args:
- b += string in graphs or \
- ('all' in graphs and "!" + string not in graphs)
- return bool(b)
- i -= 1
- if test('gravity'):
- pyplot.figure(i)
- pyplot.plot(time, g(phi))
- pyplot.grid(True)
- pyplot.ylabel("gravitational acceleration (m/s^2)")
- pyplot.xlabel("time (seconds)")
- i -= 1
- if test('phi', 'r', 'radius'):
- pyplot.figure(i)
- pyplot.plot(time, phi / tau, label="phi (cycles)")
- pyplot.plot(time, r(phi), label="r (m)")
- pyplot.grid(True)
- pyplot.legend(loc="upper left")
- pyplot.title("phi and radius vs. time")
- pyplot.ylabel("phi (cycles) and radius (meters)")
- pyplot.xlabel("time (seconds)")
- i -= 1
- if test("phi'", "omega", "phi1"):
- pyplot.figure(i)
- pyplot.plot(time, phi1 / tau)
- pyplot.grid(True)
- pyplot.ylabel("phi' (Hertz)")
- pyplot.xlabel("time (seconds)")
- i -= 1
- if test('v_tan', 'tension'):
- pyplot.figure(i)
- rect = [.1, .1, .8, .8]
- ax1 = pyplot.axes(rect)
- ax1.yaxis.tick_left()
- ax1.xaxis.grid(True)
- pyplot.plot(phi / tau, v_tan, marker='+', markevery=len(phi)/50)
- pyplot.ylabel("+: tangential velocity (km/s)")
- pyplot.xlabel("phi (cycles)")
- pyplot.ylim(ymin=0)
- ax2 = pyplot.axes(rect, frameon=False, sharex=ax1)
- ax2.yaxis.tick_right()
- ax2.yaxis.set_label_position('right')
- pyplot.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
- pyplot.plot(phi / tau, tension, marker='x', markevery=len(phi)/50)
- pyplot.ylabel("x: Tension (kN)")
- pyplot.ylim(ymin=0)
- pyplot.axvline(x=phi_max/tau)
- i -= 1
- if test('moment'):
- pyplot.figure(i)
- pyplot.plot(phi / tau, moment)
- pyplot.grid(True)
- pyplot.ylabel("Moment of Inertia (kg m^2)")
- pyplot.xlabel("phi (cycles)")
- i -= 1
- if test('momentum'):
- pyplot.figure(i)
- pyplot.plot(phi / tau, momentum)
- pyplot.grid(True)
- pyplot.ylabel("Angular Momentum (kg m^2 s^-2)")
- pyplot.xlabel("phi (cycles)")
- #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
-def opt_fun(guesses, f, func, init_vars):
- """Solve, plot, and compare the diff eq."""
- global r0, r_roll, length, m, Mass
- r0, r_roll, length, m, Mass = guesses
- time, soln = solve_fun(func, init_vars)
- phi, phi1, v_tan, tension, moment, momentum, max_arg = \
- interpret(soln)
- phi, phi1, v_tan, tension, moment, momentum, time = \
- map(lambda x: numpy.ndarray.__getslice__(x, 0, max_arg+1),
- [phi, phi1, v_tan, tension, moment, momentum, time])
- time, (phi, phi1, v_tan, tension, moment, momentum, max_arg) = \
- solver(func, init_vars, returns=['time', 'slices'])
- # Parameter values.
- f.write("%s, " % r_roll)
- f.write("%s, " % length)
- f.write("%s, " % r0)
- f.write("%s, " % m)
- f.write("%s, " % Mass)
- # Values at the max velocity point.
- f.write("%s, " % phi[-1])
- f.write("%s, " % phi1[-1])
- f.write("%s, " % tension[-1])
- f.write("%s\n" % v_tan[-1])
- # If you want strict limits, you can change the return to:
- #return 1/v_tan + 1000*(Mass > Mass_limit) + 1000*(phi1.max() > phi1_limit)
- return 2/v_tan[-1] + Mass/600 + phi1[-1] / tau
-v0 = numpy.sqrt(g(0) * r(0))
-w0 = v0/r0
-inits = [0, w0]
-#outfile = 'C:\\Users\\dave\\Desktop\\out'
-outfile = '/home/jandew/Documents/Impossible Challenges/microsatellite/out'
-def optimize():
- fil = file(outfile, 'w')
- fil.write(
- 'r0, r_roll, length of cable, m, Mass, phi, omega, Tension, Max Vel.\n')
- guess = (r0, r_roll, length, m, Mass)
- #try: print opt_fun(guess, fil, throw, inits)
- try: print fmin(opt_fun, guess, args=(fil, throw, inits))
- finally: fil.close()
-def solve():
- solved = solver(throw, inits)
- plot(solved, ['all', '!gravity'])
-if len(sys.argv) == 2:
- func_name = sys.argv[1]
- if func_name in dir():
- exec(func_name + '()')