V&A VA18B multimeter cable, serial communication

This is a set of example captures of the serial (UART) communication and
its timings on a USB cable for the V&A VA18B digital multimeter.

The UART parameters are 2400 baud, with 8n1 settings.


Logic analyzer setup

The logic analyzer used was a Saleae Logic (at 16MHz):

  Probe       USB cable PCB
  1 (black)   IR LED
  2 (brown)   TX (PL2303HX)
  3 (red)     RX (PL2303HX)
  4 (orange)  USB DM
  5 (yellow)  UBS DP


The sigrok command line used was:

  sigrok-cli -d fx2lafw:samplerate=16mhz -p '1=IR LED,2=TX,3=RX,4=DM,5=DP' \
             -o v_and_a_va18b_cable_ir_serial_usb.sr --time 10s