TrekStor eBook Reader 3.0 UART

This is an example capture of the serial (UART) bootloader/firmware output on
a TrekStor eBook Reader 3.0 EBR30-a (Weltbild + Hugendubel Edition).

For details on the device see:


The firmware sends the debug output at 115200 baud, with 8n1 settings.

Logic analyzer setup

The logic analyzer used was a ChronoVu LA8 (at 1MHz):

  Probe       EBR30-a
  1 (orange)  TX


The sigrok command line used was:

  sigrok-cli -d 0:samplerate=1mhz --samples 8388608 \
             -p '1-8,2=TX' --wait-trigger --triggers 2=1 \
             -o trekstor_ebr30_a_uart.sr

The capturing starts when the TX signal is high for the first time (it's low
before the device is powered-on). We capture as many samples as fit into the
8MByte buffer of the logic analyzer.

The capture does not contain the complete bootloader/firmware output.

For the full log see:
