Panasonic PAN1321 Bluetooth module

This is an example capture of the serial (UART) init for the Panasonic
PAN1321 Bluetooth module.

The firmware sends the init commands at 115200 baud, with 8n1 settings.


Logic analyzer setup

The logic analyzer used was a ChronoVu LA8 (at 500kHz):

  Probe       PAN1321
  0 (green)   TX
  1 (orange)  RX

Successful initialization

The sigrok command line used was:

  sigrok-cli -d 0:samplerate=500khz --samples 8388608 \
             -p '1=TX,2=RX' -o panasonic_pan1321_init.sr

The data sent (S) to the PAN1321 module and received from it (R) was:

R: ROK\r\n
S: AT+JSEC=1,1,2,04,7777\r\n
R: OK\r\n
S: AT+JDIS=3\r\n
R: OK\r\n
S: AT+JRLS=1101,11,Serial port,01,000000\r\n
R: OK\r\n
S: AT+JSLN=21,MyCoolBluetoothDevice\r\n
R: OK\r\n
S: AT+JAAC=1\r\n
R: OK\r\n
S: AT+JSCR\r\n
R: OK\r\n

Successful initialization, triggered

The sigrok command line used was:

  sigrok-cli -d 0:samplerate=500khz --samples 8388608 \
             -p '1=TX,2=RX' --wait-trigger --triggers 2=1 \
             -o panasonic_pan1321_init_triggered.sr

The data sent/received is the same as in the above example. The difference
is that we triggered on the first high RX state, which might lead to
some garbage for the first few decoded characters. This file is intended as
a test-case for this situation.

Invalid command, error code

The sigrok command line used was:

  sigrok-cli -d 0:samplerate=500khz --samples 8388608 \
             -p '1=TX,2=RX' -o panasonic_pan1321_error.sr

R: ROK\r\n
S: AT+JSEC=1,1,2,04,7777\r\n
R: OK\r\n
S: AT+JDIS=9\r\n
R: ERR=-1\r\n

As 9 is an invalid value for the "AT+JDIS=" command, the device returns
an error code.