Falcosoft Soundfont Midi Player 3.7 Bassmidi + Soundfont Edition

This is a set of examples of the MIDI communication from a Windows 7 running
"Soundfont Midi Player 3.7 Bassmidi + Soundfont Edition" software to play
MIDI through a USB-to-MIDI-Out adapter to Serdaco's
"Waveblaster Module MIDI Interface Board 'Chill Limited Edition' V2 KIT"
hardware. This device adapts a MIDI DIN cable to a 26-pin WaveBlaster
connector (aka. wavetable connector).


Logic analyzer setup

The logic analyzer used was a Sysclk LWLA1034 (at 100KHz):

  Probe       MIDI UART
  0 (red)     RX


The sigrok GUI PulseView was used to collect the data, set to 100KHz.