LIN bus traffic

Synthetically generated LIN bus traffic from a debugging session.

UART settings on LIN are always 19200/8n1, lsb-first; LIN protocol version: 2.

Logic analyzer setup

The logic analyzer used was a DreamSourceLab DSLogic Plus (various samplerates):

  Probe       LIN
  0           LIN-Bus


This shows one valid single LIN frame consisting of a header and a response
of 2 data bytes.

PID is 0xC1 -> ID: 0x01 Parity: 3
Data 1: 0x11
Data 2: 0x11
Checksum: 0x1C


10 valid LIN frames consisting of a header and a response of 3 data bytes each.
The frames are all sent at the highest possible load UART can handle.

PID is 0xA3 -> ID: 0x23 Parity: 2
Data 1: 0x11
Data 2: 0x22
Checksum: 0x29


Contains complete and incomplete LIN frames. Sometimes the PID is not sent
after the sync. The goal is testing the correct behaviour of the state machine
on protocol violations.


Same as lin_malformed.sr but more traffic.


Different messages with different lengths and a changing bus load.
No protocol violations.