MTK3339 GPS NMEA UART output

This is a dump of NMEA data from MTK3339 GPS Adafruit Breakout's UART output.

For details see:

Logic analyzer setup

The logic anlyzer used was a Open Logic Sniffer at a sample rate of 200KHz for
using a baud rate of 9600 8N1.
  Probe       UART
  0           TX


The sigrok command line used was:

  sigrok-cli --driver=ols:conn=/dev/ttyACM0 --config rle=1:samplerate=<hz> \
  	--samples=1000000 -p '0=TX' --triggers 'TX=0' -o <file>.sr
  Device only sent 845282 samples.

We capture as many samples as the RLE mode can handle.