UART traffic, 5-9 data bits, counter values in data bits

This is a collection of example UART communication (TX only). The
data bits in the UART frame contain numeric values from a counter.
There are dumps for various numbers of data bits in the UART frames.

Logic analyzer setup

The capture was taken with an ASIX Sigma2 logic analyzer at a sample
rate of 500kHz. The first three channels were enabled:

  Probe       UART
  1           UART TX (counter values)
  2           UART RX (always idle)
  3           high for active UART frames


The hardware sending the data is an Atmel ATmega328P. The bitrate is
always 19200, the frame format is 5n1, 6n1, 7n1, 8n1, 9n1 respectively.

There is a pause between each UART frame (idle TX line for a few hundred
microseconds), such that decoders will immediately "lock in" to the
content, and manual inspection is simplified.

Capture was arranged such that at least one full counter period is
covered and all possible data bit patterns are seen.

The ATmega firmware asserts a GPIO line when a UART frame is being
sent. This is not essential for UART communication, but again is useful
for human inspection, and verification of protocol decoders.