CWAV USBee Suite

Version 1.1.78 of the USBee Suite software was used to save/export the files.


Logic analyzer setup

The logic analyzer used was a CWAV USBee (at 4MHz):

  Probe       SPI
  3 (orange)  MOSI
  4 (yellow)  MISO
  5 (green)   SCK
  6 (blue)    CS#


The following UI options were used to get the files:

 - Export -> Signal data to Binary File
   - usbee_sx_spiflash_read16.bin
 - Export -> Signal data to Text/CSV File
   - usbee_sx_spiflash_read16.csv
 - Export -> Bus data to Text/CSV File
   - usbee_sx_spiflash_read16_decode_ascii.csv
   - usbee_sx_spiflash_read16_decode_binary.csv
   - usbee_sx_spiflash_read16_decode_binary_x1x2.csv
   - usbee_sx_spiflash_read16_decode_decimal.csv
   - usbee_sx_spiflash_read16_decode_hex.csv
 - Save As Capture -> Uncompressed USBee Suite Capture Files (*.usbeesuite)
   - usbee_sx_spiflash_read16.usbeesuite
 - Save As Capture -> Compressed USBee Suite Capture Files (*.usbeecomp)
   - usbee_sx_spiflash_read16.usbeecomp
     (this is the same as above, just gzipped additionally)