Microchip ENC28J60

This is an example capture of the Microchip ENC28J60 SPI Ethernet chip.



Capture contains the following 3 stages:

1) Initialization phase where control registers are written.
2) Polling phase that waits for the Ethernet link to be up.
3) Two round-trips of ping packets (each consists of 1 RX of ICMP Echo Request
   packet and 1 TX of ICMP Echo Reply packet).

The chip was driven by a custom STM32F446 board running custom bare-metal

Logic analyzer setup

The logic analyzer used was a DSLogic Plus (at 50MHz, with SPI clock at 16MHz):

  Probe       ENC28J60
  0           CS#
  1           MISO
  2           CLK
  3           MOSI