PulsedLight3D LIDARlite module

This is the capture of data output from a LIDARlite module with various short
range distances.

Each 10 uS the PWM/MODESEL line is high equals one centimeter, and continuous
trigger is enabled via keeping the line strongly low. For long distances the
rate can be limited due to the longer time to PWM the distance than processing
time for the next sample.

 - Sparkfun product page:
    * https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13167
 - LIDARlite product spec + developer docs:
    * http://kb.pulsedlight3d.com/support/home

Logic analyzer setup

The logic analyzer used was a Saleae Logic16 (at 5MHz):

  Probe       LIDARlite
  1 (black)   Mode select pin

Note: The 'Mode select' pin is pulled low strongly with 1K ohm resistor
to trigger continuous sampling).


The data contains various PWM encoded distances.

The sigrok command line used was:

  sigrok-cli --driver saleae-logic16 --samples 100M --config samplerate=5mhz \
             -C 0=PWM -o lidarlite_5mhz.sr