NFC ISO/IEC 15693 vicinity reader / tag capture with demodulation

This is an example of an NFC ISO/IEC 15693 vicinity reader / tag capture
with demodulation.

Hardware setup for the capture

* HydraBus v1.2 + HydraNFC Shield v1.1
 * Using firmware HydraFW (HydraBus) v0.9-beta-92-g3c34dfd 2019-10-12
Tag ISO/IEC 15693 Vicinity ICODE SLI/SLIX (uID RW)
* CH1 connected to HydraBus/HydraNFC PA5
 * Capture HydraNFC reader clock 13.56MHz
* CH2 connected to “Calibration Coil ISO 10373-6”
 * Capture NFC signal between NFC Reader & NFC Vicinity Tag
* Impedance Adapter 50 Ohm (also called Rigol Impedance Adjuster 50 Ohm)
  used on CH2 with "Calibration Coil ISO 10373-6"
 * PL-50 (50 Ohms +/-1%, 2 WATT, DC - 1GHz)
* PicoScope 3406DMSO (8bits @ 1 GS/s, Memory 512MS)
* Picoscope v6.x software on Windows 7 SP1 64bits

NFC ISO/IEC 15693 Vicinity read UID capture was demodulated with an Octave
script which creates CH3 & CH4 and all channels are displayed with PulseView.

Capture details

CH1: connected to HydraBus/HydraNFC PA5 (capture HydraNFC reader Clock 13.56MHz)
CH2: connected to "Calibration Coil ISO 10373-6" (capture NFC signal between Reader & Tag)
CH3: clock reconstructed from CH1 / CH2 to decode CH4
CH4: filtered data envelope reconstructed from from CH1 / CH2