TrekStor eBook Reader 3.0 I2C

This is a set of example captures of the I2C traffic on a TrekStor eBook
Reader 3.0 EBR30-a (Weltbild + Hugendubel Edition) device.

For details on the device see:


There are three chips which are connected to the main CPU's SCL/SDA pins:

 - Battery management chip: X-Powers AXP199

 - RTC chip: Hec Semiconductor H8563S

 - Digital Thermal Orientation Sensor (DTOS): MEMSIC MXC6225XU


The logic analyzer used was a ChronoVu LA8 (at 4MHz):

  Probe       I2C pin
  1 (orange)  SCL
  7 (yellow)  SDA

The sigrok command line used was:

  sigrok-cli -d 0:samplerate=4mhz --samples 8388608 \
             -p '2=SCL,8=SDA' -o trekstor_ebr30_a_i2c_0x15.sr

trekstor_ebr30_a_i2c_30s.sr and trekstor_ebr30_a_i2c_120s.sr

This is a 30s/120s dump of the I2C traffic while the device was attached
to USB.

The logic analyzer used was a Saleae Logic (at 4MHz):

  Probe       I2C pin
  4 (orange)  SCL
  6 (green)   SDA

The sigrok command line used was:

  sigrok-cli -d 0:samplerate=4mhz --time <time>
             -p '4=SCL,6=SDA' -o <filename.sr>

(<time> was 30s or 120s)