------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROHM BH1750FVI Digital Ambient Light Sensor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a capture of data output from a ROHM BH1750FVI digital ambient light sensor. Details: https://www.mouser.com/ds/2/348/bh1750fvi-e-186247.pdf Logic analyzer setup -------------------- The logic analyzer used is a Saleae Logic clone (at 500kHz): Probe BH1750FVI pin ---------------------------- D0 (CH1) SCL D1 (CH2) SDA bh1750_hresolutionmode.sr ------------------------- The sigrok 0.7.1 command line used: sigrok-cli --driver fx2lafw --channels D0=SCL,D1=SDA \ --config samplerate=500khz:captureratio=1 --samples 100000 \ --triggers SCL=1,SDA=f --output-file <filename> The file provides recommended setup of the sensor in One Time H-Resolution Mode with default value 69 (0x45) of the measurement time bits in measurement time registers (sensor sensitivity adjusting) with standard resolution 0.83 lux per count. The sensor has ADDR pin grounded (ADDR = 'L'), which results to the slave address 35 (0x23). The long time period between communication bursts represents sensor's conversion period for configured resolution. bh1750_h2resolutionmode.sr -------------------------- The sigrok 0.7.1 command line used: sigrok-cli --driver fx2lafw --channels D0=SCL,D1=SDA \ --config samplerate=500khz:captureratio=1 --samples 500000 \ --triggers SCL=1,SDA=f --output-file <filename> The file provides setup of the sensor in One Time H-Resolution Mode2 with value 254 (0xFE) of the measurement time bits in measurement time registers (sensor sensitivity adjusting) with the lowest resolution 0.11 lux per count (the highest sensitivity). The sensor has ADDR pin grounded (ADDR = 'L'), which results to the slave address 35 (0x23). The long time period between communication bursts represents sensor's conversion period for configured resolution.