------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microchip 24LC02B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a set of example captures of Microchip 24LC02B I2C traffic. Details: https://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/en/24LC02B http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/21709J.pdf Logic analyzer setup -------------------- The logic analyzer used was a CWAV USBee SX (at 8MHz): Probe I2C pin ------------------- 0 (black) SCL 1 (brown) SDA hantek_6022be_powerup.sr ------------------------ This is the I2C communication during powerup between the Cypress FX2 and the Microchip 24LC02B in the Hantek 6022BE USB oscilloscope. instrustar_isds205x_powerup_la.sr --------------------------------- This is the I2C communication during powerup between the Cypress FX2 and the Microchip 24LC02B in the Instrustar ISDS205X USB oscilloscope (LA mode).