
The captures in this directory were taken from the DDC/I2C bus.

For the two Samsung displays below, the logic analyzer was attached to a
VGA cable, which connects the computer and the display while the EDID data
was sent across the I2C bus.

To decode these, set up a protocol decoder stack like this:

	i2c -> edid


samsung_le46b620r3p.sr / samsung_syncmaster245b.sr

The logic analyzer used was a Saleae Logic (at 500kHz):

  Probe       I2C pin
  1 (black)   SDA
  2 (brown)   SCL


The logic analyzer used was a Saleae Logic (at 1MHz):

  Probe       I2C pin
  1 (black)   SCL
  2 (brown)   SDA


This setup is somewhat more evolved, as it used a computer with a
dual-mode displayport (DP++), a DP-HDMI (Type 1) adapter, a HDMI DDC
breakout cable, a HDMI-VGA adapter, and a CRT screen with VGA input.

The logic analyzer was connected to the DDC bus between the two adapters
above, i.e. on the HDMI connection. As the DP-HDMI adapter uses a level
shifter between DP and HDMI DDC busses, also the communication between
computer and the DP adapter is visible (the DDC busses on both side are
physically connected). The DP-HDMI adapter is visible at I2C address
0x40 and responds with the readonly identifier 'DP-HDMI Adaptor<EOT>'.

The HDMI-VGA adapter modifies the EDID contents from the VGA moniter,
it adds an CEA extension block at offset 0x80 and notifies the existence
of the extension block in the first block.