------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nokia 1200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a set of example captures of the protocol of a Nokia 1200 cell phone display. The display is a monochrome LCD with 96x68 pixels. It uses the Philips PCF8814 "65 x 96 pixels matrix LCD driver". The display is attached to the "r0ket" eval board / conference badge. It is controlled from the NXP LPC1343 ARM controller on that board. Details: http://r0ket.badge.events.ccc.de http://r0ket.badge.events.ccc.de/_media/r0ket.sch.png http://mylcd.sourceforge.net/files/pcf8814.pdf http://www.nxp.com/documents/data_sheet/LPC1311_13_42_43.pdf Logic analyzer setup -------------------- The logic analyzer used was a Saleae Logic (at 16MHz): Probe LPC1343 chip ------------------------ 1 (black) CS# (PIO2_1 / DSR) 2 (brown) SCK (PIO2_11 / SCK0) 3 (red) SDA (PIO0_9 / MOSI0) 4 (orange) RST# (PIO2_2 / DCD#) Data ---- The sigrok command line used was: sigrok-cli --driver fx2lafw -d samplerate=16mhz --time <time> -o <file> -p 0=CS#,1=SCK,2=SDA,3=RST#