Python ======== * Receieve menu input while text is scrolling, rather than having to interrupt with spacebar first. * Make a way to save and load games. * Make extra hard puzzle generation fast. * After porting ooStudy into Go, collect data through python. Particularly: - Consider fully-inverted puzzles as equivalent. - Consider translated toroidal puzzles as equivalent. - How many different n by m puzzles are there? - What correlations are there between puzzle piece composition and the number of possible solutions? Go ======== * Port ooStudy into Go. Implementation should have a bare-bones ooPuzzle with: - ooPuzzle.__init__ - ooPuzzle.set_pieces_from_game_id - ooPuzzle.set_pieces_from_edges Start with the toroidal implementation, then do the normal boundary, then implement no boundary -- that is, the boundary is not logically parsed at all.