## ## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project. ## ## Copyright (C) 2014 Angus Gratton <gus@projectgus.com> ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ## import sigrokdecode as srd import re ''' OUTPUT_PYTHON format: Packet: [<ptype>, <pdata>] <ptype>: - 'AP_READ' (AP read) - 'DP_READ' (DP read) - 'AP_WRITE' (AP write) - 'DP_WRITE' (DP write) - 'LINE_RESET' (line reset sequence) <pdata>: - tuple of address, ack state, data for the given sequence ''' swd_states = [ 'IDLE', # Idle/unknown 'REQUEST', # Request phase (first 8 bits) 'ACK', # Ack phase (next 3 bits) 'READ', # Reading phase (next 32 bits for reads) 'WRITE', # Writing phase (next 32 bits for write) 'DPARITY', # Data parity phase ] # Regexes for matching SWD data out of bitstring ('1' / '0' characters) format RE_SWDSWITCH = re.compile(bin(0xE79E)[:1:-1] + '$') RE_SWDREQ = re.compile(r'1(?P<apdp>.)(?P<rw>.)(?P<addr>..)(?P<parity>.)01$') RE_IDLE = re.compile('0' * 50 + '$') # Sample edges RISING = 1 FALLING = 0 ADDR_DP_SELECT = 0x8 ADDR_DP_CTRLSTAT = 0x4 BIT_SELECT_CTRLSEL = 1 BIT_CTRLSTAT_ORUNDETECT = 1 ANNOTATIONS = ['reset', 'enable', 'read', 'write', 'ack', 'data', 'parity'] class Decoder(srd.Decoder): api_version = 3 id = 'swd' name = 'SWD' longname = 'Serial Wire Debug' desc = 'Two-wire protocol for debug access to ARM CPUs.' license = 'gplv2+' inputs = ['logic'] outputs = ['swd'] channels = ( {'id': 'swclk', 'name': 'SWCLK', 'desc': 'Master clock'}, {'id': 'swdio', 'name': 'SWDIO', 'desc': 'Data input/output'}, ) options = ( {'id': 'strict_start', 'desc': 'Wait for a line reset before starting to decode', 'default': 'no', 'values': ('yes', 'no')}, ) annotations = ( ('reset', 'RESET'), ('enable', 'ENABLE'), ('read', 'READ'), ('write', 'WRITE'), ('ack', 'ACK'), ('data', 'DATA'), ('parity', 'PARITY'), ) def __init__(self): # SWD data/clock state self.state = 'UNKNOWN' self.sample_edge = RISING self.ack = None # Ack state of the current phase self.ss_req = 0 # Start sample of current req self.turnaround = 0 # Number of turnaround edges to ignore before continuing self.bits = '' # Bits from SWDIO are accumulated here, matched against expected sequences self.samplenums = [] # Sample numbers that correspond to the samples in self.bits self.linereset_count = 0 # SWD debug port state self.data = None self.addr = None self.rw = None # Are we inside an SWD read or a write? self.ctrlsel = 0 # 'ctrlsel' is bit 0 in the SELECT register. self.orundetect = 0 # 'orundetect' is bit 0 in the CTRLSTAT register. def start(self): self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN) self.out_python = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_PYTHON) if self.options['strict_start'] == 'no': self.state = 'REQ' # No need to wait for a LINE RESET. def putx(self, ann, length, data): '''Output annotated data.''' ann = ANNOTATIONS.index(ann) try: ss = self.samplenums[-length] except IndexError: ss = self.samplenums[0] if self.state == 'REQ': self.ss_req = ss es = self.samplenum self.put(ss, es, self.out_ann, [ann, [data]]) def putp(self, ptype, pdata): self.put(self.ss_req, self.samplenum, self.out_python, [ptype, pdata]) def put_python_data(self): '''Emit Python data item based on current SWD packet contents.''' ptype = { ('AP', 'R'): 'AP_READ', ('AP', 'W'): 'AP_WRITE', ('DP', 'R'): 'DP_READ', ('DP', 'W'): 'DP_WRITE', }[(self.apdp, self.rw)] self.putp(ptype, (self.addr, self.data, self.ack)) def decode(self): while True: # Wait for any clock edge. clk, dio = self.wait({0: 'e'}) # Count rising edges with DIO held high, # as a line reset (50+ high edges) can happen from any state. if clk == RISING: if dio == 1: self.linereset_count += 1 else: if self.linereset_count >= 50: self.putx('reset', self.linereset_count, 'LINERESET') self.putp('LINE_RESET', None) self.reset_state() self.linereset_count = 0 # Otherwise, we only care about either rising or falling edges # (depending on sample_edge, set according to current state). if clk != self.sample_edge: continue # Turnaround bits get skipped. if self.turnaround > 0: self.turnaround -= 1 continue self.bits += str(dio) self.samplenums.append(self.samplenum) { 'UNKNOWN': self.handle_unknown_edge, 'REQ': self.handle_req_edge, 'ACK': self.handle_ack_edge, 'DATA': self.handle_data_edge, 'DPARITY': self.handle_dparity_edge, }[self.state]() def next_state(self): '''Step to the next SWD state, reset internal counters accordingly.''' self.bits = '' self.samplenums = [] self.linereset_count = 0 if self.state == 'UNKNOWN': self.state = 'REQ' self.sample_edge = RISING self.turnaround = 0 elif self.state == 'REQ': self.state = 'ACK' self.sample_edge = FALLING self.turnaround = 1 elif self.state == 'ACK': self.state = 'DATA' self.sample_edge = RISING if self.rw == 'W' else FALLING self.turnaround = 0 if self.rw == 'R' else 2 elif self.state == 'DATA': self.state = 'DPARITY' elif self.state == 'DPARITY': self.put_python_data() self.state = 'REQ' self.sample_edge = RISING self.turnaround = 1 if self.rw == 'R' else 0 def reset_state(self): '''Line reset (or equivalent), wait for a new pending SWD request.''' if self.state != 'REQ': # Emit a Python data item. self.put_python_data() # Clear state. self.bits = '' self.samplenums = [] self.linereset_count = 0 self.turnaround = 0 self.sample_edge = RISING self.data = '' self.ack = None self.state = 'REQ' def handle_unknown_edge(self): ''' Clock edge in the UNKNOWN state. In the unknown state, clock edges get ignored until we see a line reset (which is detected in the decode method, not here.) ''' pass def handle_req_edge(self): '''Clock edge in the REQ state (waiting for SWD r/w request).''' # Check for a JTAG->SWD enable sequence. m = re.search(RE_SWDSWITCH, self.bits) if m is not None: self.putx('enable', 16, 'JTAG->SWD') self.reset_state() return # Or a valid SWD Request packet. m = re.search(RE_SWDREQ, self.bits) if m is not None: calc_parity = sum([int(x) for x in m.group('rw') + m.group('apdp') + m.group('addr')]) % 2 parity = '' if str(calc_parity) == m.group('parity') else 'E' self.rw = 'R' if m.group('rw') == '1' else 'W' self.apdp = 'AP' if m.group('apdp') == '1' else 'DP' self.addr = int(m.group('addr')[::-1], 2) << 2 self.putx('read' if self.rw == 'R' else 'write', 8, self.get_address_description()) self.next_state() return def handle_ack_edge(self): '''Clock edge in the ACK state (waiting for complete ACK sequence).''' if len(self.bits) < 3: return if self.bits == '100': self.putx('ack', 3, 'OK') self.ack = 'OK' self.next_state() elif self.bits == '001': self.putx('ack', 3, 'FAULT') self.ack = 'FAULT' if self.orundetect == 1: self.next_state() else: self.reset_state() self.turnaround = 1 elif self.bits == '010': self.putx('ack', 3, 'WAIT') self.ack = 'WAIT' if self.orundetect == 1: self.next_state() else: self.reset_state() self.turnaround = 1 elif self.bits == '111': self.putx('ack', 3, 'NOREPLY') self.ack = 'NOREPLY' self.reset_state() else: self.putx('ack', 3, 'ERROR') self.ack = 'ERROR' self.reset_state() def handle_data_edge(self): '''Clock edge in the DATA state (waiting for 32 bits to clock past).''' if len(self.bits) < 32: return self.data = 0 self.dparity = 0 for x in range(32): if self.bits[x] == '1': self.data += (1 << x) self.dparity += 1 self.dparity = self.dparity % 2 self.putx('data', 32, '0x%08x' % self.data) self.next_state() def handle_dparity_edge(self): '''Clock edge in the DPARITY state (clocking in parity bit).''' if str(self.dparity) != self.bits: self.putx('parity', 1, str(self.dparity) + self.bits) # PARITY ERROR elif self.rw == 'W': self.handle_completed_write() self.next_state() def handle_completed_write(self): ''' Update internal state of the debug port based on a completed write operation. ''' if self.apdp != 'DP': return elif self.addr == ADDR_DP_SELECT: self.ctrlsel = self.data & BIT_SELECT_CTRLSEL elif self.addr == ADDR_DP_CTRLSTAT and self.ctrlsel == 0: self.orundetect = self.data & BIT_CTRLSTAT_ORUNDETECT def get_address_description(self): ''' Return a human-readable description of the currently selected address, for annotated results. ''' if self.apdp == 'DP': if self.rw == 'R': # Tables 2-4 & 2-5 in ADIv5.2 spec ARM document IHI 0031C return { 0: 'IDCODE', 0x4: 'R CTRL/STAT' if self.ctrlsel == 0 else 'R DLCR', 0x8: 'RESEND', 0xC: 'RDBUFF' }[self.addr] elif self.rw == 'W': # Tables 2-4 & 2-5 in ADIv5.2 spec ARM document IHI 0031C return { 0: 'W ABORT', 0x4: 'W CTRL/STAT' if self.ctrlsel == 0 else 'W DLCR', 0x8: 'W SELECT', 0xC: 'W RESERVED' }[self.addr] elif self.apdp == 'AP': if self.rw == 'R': return 'R AP%x' % self.addr elif self.rw == 'W': return 'W AP%x' % self.addr # Any legitimate operations shouldn't fall through to here, probably # a decoder bug. return '? %s%s%x' % (self.rw, self.apdp, self.addr)