## ## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project. ## ## Copyright (C) 2018 Aleksander Alekseev <afiskon@gmail.com> ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import sigrokdecode as srd MAX_DATA_LEN = 128 # Command ID -> name, short description META = { 0x00: {'name': 'NOP ', 'desc': 'No operation'}, 0x01: {'name': 'SWRESET', 'desc': 'Software reset'}, 0x04: {'name': 'RDDID ', 'desc': 'Read display ID'}, 0x09: {'name': 'RDDST ', 'desc': 'Read display status'}, 0x10: {'name': 'SLPIN ', 'desc': 'Sleep in & booster off'}, 0x11: {'name': 'SLPOUT ', 'desc': 'Sleep out & booster on'}, 0x12: {'name': 'PTLON ', 'desc': 'Partial mode on'}, 0x13: {'name': 'NORON ', 'desc': 'Partial off (normal)'}, 0x20: {'name': 'INVOFF ', 'desc': 'Display inversion off'}, 0x21: {'name': 'INVON ', 'desc': 'Display inversion on'}, 0x28: {'name': 'DISPOFF', 'desc': 'Display off'}, 0x29: {'name': 'DISPON ', 'desc': 'Display on'}, 0x2A: {'name': 'CASET ', 'desc': 'Column address set'}, 0x2B: {'name': 'RASET ', 'desc': 'Row address set'}, 0x2C: {'name': 'RAMWR ', 'desc': 'Memory write'}, 0x2E: {'name': 'RAMRD ', 'desc': 'Memory read'}, 0x30: {'name': 'PTLAR ', 'desc': 'Partial start/end address set'}, 0x36: {'name': 'MADCTL ', 'desc': 'Memory data address control'}, 0x3A: {'name': 'COLMOD ', 'desc': 'Interface pixel format'}, 0xB1: {'name': 'FRMCTR1', 'desc': 'Frame rate control (in normal mode / full colors)'}, 0xB2: {'name': 'FRMCTR2', 'desc': 'Frame rate control (in idle mode / 8-colors)'}, 0xB3: {'name': 'FRMCTR3', 'desc': 'Frame rate control (in partial mode / full colors) '}, 0xB4: {'name': 'INVCTR ', 'desc': 'Display inversion control'}, 0xB6: {'name': 'DISSET5', 'desc': 'Display function set 5'}, 0xC0: {'name': 'PWCTR1 ', 'desc': 'Power control 1'}, 0xC1: {'name': 'PWCTR2 ', 'desc': 'Power control 2'}, 0xC2: {'name': 'PWCTR3 ', 'desc': 'Power control 3'}, 0xC3: {'name': 'PWCTR4 ', 'desc': 'Power control 4'}, 0xC4: {'name': 'PWCTR5 ', 'desc': 'Power control 5'}, 0xC5: {'name': 'VMCTR1 ', 'desc': 'VCOM control 1'}, 0xDA: {'name': 'RDID1 ', 'desc': 'Read ID1'}, 0xDB: {'name': 'RDID2 ', 'desc': 'Read ID2'}, 0xDC: {'name': 'RDID3 ', 'desc': 'Read ID3'}, 0xDD: {'name': 'RDID4 ', 'desc': 'Read ID4'}, 0xFC: {'name': 'PWCTR6 ', 'desc': 'Power control 6'}, 0xE0: {'name': 'GMCTRP1', 'desc': 'Gamma \'+\'polarity correction characteristics setting'}, 0xE1: {'name': 'GMCTRN1', 'desc': 'Gamma \'-\'polarity correction characteristics setting'}, } class Ann: BITS, CMD, DATA, DESC = range(4) class Decoder(srd.Decoder): api_version = 3 id = 'st7735' name = 'ST7735' longname = 'Sitronix ST7735' desc = 'Sitronix ST7735 TFT controller protocol.' license = 'gplv2+' inputs = ['logic'] outputs = [] tags = ['Display', 'IC'] channels = ( {'id': 'cs', 'name': 'CS#', 'desc': 'Chip-select'}, {'id': 'clk', 'name': 'CLK', 'desc': 'Clock'}, {'id': 'mosi', 'name': 'MOSI', 'desc': 'Master out, slave in'}, {'id': 'dc', 'name': 'DC', 'desc': 'Data or command'} ) annotations = ( ('bit', 'Bit'), ('command', 'Command'), ('data', 'Data'), ('description', 'Description'), ) annotation_rows = ( ('bits', 'Bits', (Ann.BITS,)), ('fields', 'Fields', (Ann.CMD, Ann.DATA)), ('descriptions', 'Descriptions', (Ann.DESC,)), ) def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self.accum_byte = 0 self.accum_bits_num = 0 self.bit_ss = -1 self.byte_ss = -1 self.current_bit = -1 def start(self): self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN) def put_desc(self, ss, es, cmd, data): if cmd == -1: return if META[cmd]: self.put(ss, es, self.out_ann, [Ann.DESC, ['%s: %s' % (META[cmd]['name'].strip(), META[cmd]['desc'])]]) else: # Default description: dots = '' if len(data) == MAX_DATA_LEN: data = data[:-1] dots = '...' data_str = '(none)' if len(data) > 0: data_str = ' '.join(['%02X' % b for b in data]) self.put(ss, es, self.out_ann, [Ann.DESC, ['Unknown command: %02X. Data: %s%s' % (cmd, data_str, dots)]]) def decode(self): current_cmd = -1 current_data = [] desc_ss = -1 desc_es = -1 self.reset() while True: # Check data on both CLK edges. (cs, clk, mosi, dc) = self.wait({1: 'e'}) if cs == 1: # Wait for CS = low, ignore the rest. self.reset() continue if clk == 1: # Read one bit. self.bit_ss = self.samplenum if self.accum_bits_num == 0: self.byte_ss = self.samplenum self.current_bit = mosi if (clk == 0) and (self.current_bit >= 0): # Process one bit. self.put(self.bit_ss, self.samplenum, self.out_ann, [Ann.BITS, [str(self.current_bit)]]) self.accum_byte = (self.accum_byte << 1) | self.current_bit # MSB-first. self.accum_bits_num += 1 if self.accum_bits_num == 8: # Process one byte. ann = Ann.DATA if dc else Ann.CMD # DC = low for commands. self.put(self.byte_ss, self.samplenum, self.out_ann, [ann, ['%02X' % self.accum_byte]]) if ann == Ann.CMD: self.put_desc(desc_ss, desc_es, current_cmd, current_data) desc_ss = self.byte_ss desc_es = self.samplenum # For cmds without data. current_cmd = self.accum_byte current_data = [] else: if len(current_data) < MAX_DATA_LEN: current_data += [self.accum_byte] desc_es = self.samplenum self.accum_bits_num = 0 self.accum_byte = 0 self.byte_ss = -1 self.current_bit = -1 self.bit_ss = -1