## ## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project. ## ## Copyright (C) 2020 Jorge Solla Rubiales ## ## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ## of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal ## in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights ## to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ## copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ## furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ## ## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all ## copies or substantial portions of the Software. ## ## THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ## IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ## AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ## LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ## OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE ## SOFTWARE. import sigrokdecode as srd from common.srdhelper import SrdIntEnum CFG_REGS = { 0: [{'name': 'CH_NO', 'stbit': 7, 'nbits': 8}], 1: [ {'name': 'AUTO_RETRAN', 'stbit': 5, 'nbits': 1, 'opts': {0: 'No retransmission', 1: 'Retransmission of data packet'}}, {'name': 'RX_RED_PWR', 'stbit': 4, 'nbits': 1, 'opts': {0: 'Normal operation', 1: 'Reduced power'}}, {'name': 'PA_PWR', 'stbit': 3, 'nbits': 2, 'opts': {0: '-10 dBm', 1: '-2 dBm', 2: '+6 dBm', 3: '+10 dBm'}}, {'name': 'HFREQ_PLL', 'stbit': 1, 'nbits': 1, 'opts': {0: '433 MHz', 1: '868 / 915 MHz'}}, {'name': 'CH_NO_8', 'stbit': 0, 'nbits': 1}, ], 2: [ {'name': 'TX_AFW (TX addr width)', 'stbit': 6, 'nbits': 3}, {'name': 'RX_AFW (RX addr width)', 'stbit': 2, 'nbits': 3}, ], 3: [{'name': 'RW_PW (RX payload width)', 'stbit': 5, 'nbits': 6}], 4: [{'name': 'TX_PW (TX payload width)', 'stbit': 5, 'nbits': 6}], 5: [{'name': 'RX_ADDR_0', 'stbit': 7, 'nbits': 8}], 6: [{'name': 'RX_ADDR_1', 'stbit': 7, 'nbits': 8}], 7: [{'name': 'RX_ADDR_2', 'stbit': 7, 'nbits': 8}], 8: [{'name': 'RX_ADDR_3', 'stbit': 7, 'nbits': 8}], 9: [ {'name': 'CRC_MODE', 'stbit': 7, 'nbits': 1, 'opts': {0: '8 CRC check bit', 1: '16 CRC check bit'}}, {'name': 'CRC_EN', 'stbit': 6, 'nbits': 1, 'opts': {0: 'Disabled', 1: 'Enabled'}}, {'name': 'XOR', 'stbit': 5, 'nbits': 3, 'opts': {0: '4 MHz', 1: '8 MHz', 2: '12 MHz', 3: '16 MHz', 4: '20 MHz'}}, {'name': 'UP_CLK_EN', 'stbit': 2, 'nbits': 1, 'opts': {0: 'No external clock signal avail.', 1: 'External clock signal enabled'}}, {'name': 'UP_CLK_FREQ', 'stbit': 1, 'nbits': 2, 'opts': {0: '4 MHz', 1: '2 MHz', 2: '1 MHz', 3: '500 kHz'}}, ], } CHN_CFG = [ {'name': 'PA_PWR', 'stbit': 3, 'nbits': 2, 'opts': {0: '-10 dBm', 1: '-2 dBm', 2: '+6 dBm', 3: '+10 dBm'}}, {'name': 'HFREQ_PLL', 'stbit': 1, 'nbits': 1, 'opts': {0: '433 MHz', 1: '868 / 915 MHz'}}, ] STAT_REG = [ {'name': 'AM', 'stbit': 7, 'nbits': 1}, {'name': 'DR', 'stbit': 5, 'nbits': 1}, ] Ann = SrdIntEnum.from_str('Ann', 'CMD REG_WR REG_RD TX RX RESP WARN') class Decoder(srd.Decoder): api_version = 3 id = 'nrf905' name = 'nRF905' longname = 'Nordic Semiconductor nRF905' desc = '433/868/933MHz transceiver chip.' license = 'mit' inputs = ['spi'] outputs = ['nrf905'] tags = ['IC', 'Wireless/RF'] annotations = ( ('cmd', 'Command sent to the device'), ('reg-write', 'Config register written to the device'), ('reg-read', 'Config register read from the device'), ('tx-data', 'Payload sent to the device'), ('rx-data', 'Payload read from the device'), ('resp', 'Response to commands received from the device'), ('warning', 'Warning'), ) annotation_rows = ( ('commands', 'Commands', (Ann.CMD,)), ('responses', 'Responses', (Ann.RESP,)), ('registers', 'Registers', (Ann.REG_WR, Ann.REG_RD)), ('tx', 'Transmitted data', (Ann.TX,)), ('rx', 'Received data', (Ann.RX,)), ('warnings', 'Warnings', (Ann.WARN,)), ) def __init__(self): self.ss_cmd, self.es_cmd = 0, 0 self.cs_asserted = False self.reset() def reset(self): self.mosi_bytes, self.miso_bytes = [], [] self.cmd_samples = {'ss': 0, 'es': 0} def start(self): self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN) def extract_bits(self, byte, start_bit, num_bits): begin = 7 - start_bit end = begin + num_bits if begin < 0 or end > 8: return 0 binary = format(byte, '08b')[begin:end] return int(binary, 2) def extract_vars(self, reg_vars, reg_value): # Iterate all vars on current register. data = '' for var in reg_vars: var_value = self.extract_bits(reg_value, var['stbit'], var['nbits']) data += var['name'] + ' = ' + str(var_value) opt = '' # If var has options, just add the option meaning. if 'opts' in var: if var_value in var['opts']: opt = var['opts'][var_value] else: opt = 'unknown' data += ' (' + opt + ')' # Add var separator. if reg_vars.index(var) != len(reg_vars) - 1: data = data + ' | ' return data def parse_config_register(self, addr, value, is_write): reg_value = value[0] data = 'CFG_REG[' + hex(addr) + '] -> ' # Get register vars for this register. if addr in CFG_REGS: reg_vars = CFG_REGS[addr] else: # Invalid register address. self.put(value[1], value[2], self.out_ann, [Ann.WARN, ['Invalid reg. addr']]) return data += self.extract_vars(reg_vars, reg_value) ann = Ann.REG_WR if is_write else Ann.REG_RD self.put(value[1], value[2], self.out_ann, [ann, [data]]) def parse_config_registers(self, addr, registers, is_write): i = 0 while i < len(registers): reg_addr = i + addr if reg_addr <= 9: self.parse_config_register(reg_addr, registers[i], is_write) else: print('INVALID REGISTER ADDR ' + hex(reg_addr)) i += 1 def dump_cmd_bytes(self, prefix, cmd_bytes, ann): ss = cmd_bytes[1][1] es = 0 data = '' for byte in cmd_bytes[1:]: data += '0x' + format(byte[0], '02x') + ' ' es = byte[2] self.put(ss, es, self.out_ann, [ann, [prefix + data]]) def handle_WC(self): start_addr = self.mosi_bytes[0][0] & 0x0F if start_addr > 9: print('ERROR: WRONG OFFSET') return self.parse_config_registers(start_addr, self.mosi_bytes[1:], True) def handle_RC(self): start_addr = self.mosi_bytes[0][0] & 0x0F if start_addr > 9: print('ERROR: WRONG OFFSET') return self.parse_config_registers(start_addr, self.miso_bytes[1:], False) def handle_WTP(self): self.dump_cmd_bytes('Write TX payload.: ', self.mosi_bytes, Ann.TX) def handle_RTP(self): self.dump_cmd_bytes('Read TX payload: ', self.miso_bytes, Ann.RESP) def handle_WTA(self): self.dump_cmd_bytes('Write TX addr: ', self.mosi_bytes, Ann.REG_WR) def handle_RTA(self): self.dump_cmd_bytes('Read TX addr: ', self.miso_bytes, Ann.RESP) def handle_RRP(self): self.dump_cmd_bytes('Read RX payload: ', self.miso_bytes, Ann.RX) def handle_CC(self): cmd = self.mosi_bytes[0] dta = self.mosi_bytes[1] channel = (cmd[0] & 0x01) << 8 channel = channel + dta[0] data = self.extract_vars(CHN_CFG, cmd[0]) data = data + '| CHN = ' + str(channel) self.put(self.mosi_bytes[0][1], self.mosi_bytes[1][2], self.out_ann, [Ann.REG_WR, [data]]) def handle_STAT(self): status = 'STAT = ' + self.extract_vars(STAT_REG, self.miso_bytes[0][0]) self.put(self.miso_bytes[0][1], self.miso_bytes[0][2], self.out_ann, [Ann.REG_RD, [status]]) def process_cmd(self): cmd = '' cmd_name = '' cmd_hnd = None for byte in self.mosi_bytes: cmd += hex(byte[0]) + ' ' cmd = self.mosi_bytes[0][0] if (cmd & 0xF0) == 0x00: cmd_name = 'CMD: W_CONFIG (WC)' cmd_hnd = self.handle_WC elif (cmd & 0xF0) == 0x10: cmd_name = 'CMD: R_CONFIG (RC)' cmd_hnd = self.handle_RC elif cmd == 0x20: cmd_name = 'CMD: W_TX_PAYLOAD (WTP)' cmd_hnd = self.handle_WTP elif cmd == 0x21: cmd_name = 'CMD: R_TX_PAYLOAD (RTP)' cmd_hnd = self.handle_RTP elif cmd == 0x22: cmd_name = 'CMD: W_TX_ADDRESS (WTA)' cmd_hnd = self.handle_WTA elif cmd == 0x23: cmd_name = 'CMD: R_TX_ADDRESS (RTA)' cmd_hnd = self.handle_RTA elif cmd == 0x24: cmd_name = 'CMD: R_RX_PAYLOAD (RRP)' cmd_hnd = self.handle_RRP elif (cmd & 0xF0 == 0x80): cmd_name = 'CMD: CHANNEL_CONFIG (CC)' cmd_hnd = self.handle_CC # Report command name. self.put(self.cmd_samples['ss'], self.cmd_samples['es'], self.out_ann, [Ann.CMD, [cmd_name]]) # Handle status byte. self.handle_STAT() # Handle command. if cmd_hnd is not None: cmd_hnd() def set_cs_status(self, sample, asserted): if self.cs_asserted == asserted: return if asserted: self.cmd_samples['ss'] = sample self.cmd_samples['es'] = -1 else: self.cmd_samples['es'] = sample self.cs_asserted = asserted def decode(self, ss, es, data): ptype, data1, data2 = data if ptype == 'CS-CHANGE': if data1 is None and data2 is None: self.requirements_met = False raise ChannelError('CS# pin required.') if data1 is None and data2 == 0: self.set_cs_status(ss, True) elif data1 is None and data2 == 1: self.set_cs_status(ss, False) elif data1 == 1 and data2 == 0: self.set_cs_status(ss, True) elif data1 == 0 and data2 == 1: self.set_cs_status(ss, False) if len(self.mosi_bytes): self.process_cmd() self.reset() elif ptype == 'DATA': # Ignore traffic if CS is not asserted. if self.cs_asserted is False: return mosi, miso = data1, data2 if miso is None or mosi is None: raise ChannelError('Both MISO and MOSI pins required.') self.mosi_bytes.append((mosi, ss, es)) self.miso_bytes.append((miso, ss, es))