## ## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project. ## ## Copyright (C) 2014 Uwe Hermann ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ## import sigrokdecode as srd from .lists import * class Decoder(srd.Decoder): api_version = 1 id = 'ir_rc5' name = 'IR RC-5' longname = 'IR RC-5' desc = 'RC-5 infrared remote control protocol.' license = 'gplv2+' inputs = ['logic'] outputs = ['ir_rc5'] probes = [ {'id': 'ir', 'name': 'IR', 'desc': 'IR data line'}, ] optional_probes = [] options = { 'polarity': ['Polarity', 'active-low'], 'protocol': ['Protocol type', 'standard'], } annotations = [ ['bit', 'Bit'], ['startbit1', 'Startbit 1'], ['startbit2', 'Startbit 2'], ['togglebit-0', 'Toggle bit 0'], ['togglebit-1', 'Toggle bit 1'], ['address', 'Address'], ['command', 'Command'], ] annotation_rows = ( ('bits', 'Bits', (0,)), ('fields', 'Fields', (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), ) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.samplerate = None self.samplenum = None self.edges, self.bits, self.bits_ss_es = [], [], [] self.state = 'IDLE' def start(self): self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN) self.old_ir = 1 if self.options['polarity'] == 'active-low' else 0 def metadata(self, key, value): if key == srd.SRD_CONF_SAMPLERATE: self.samplerate = value # One bit: 1.78ms (one half low, one half high). self.halfbit = int((self.samplerate * 0.00178) / 2.0) def putb(self, bit1, bit2, data): ss, es = self.bits_ss_es[bit1][0], self.bits_ss_es[bit2][1] self.put(ss, es, self.out_ann, data) def handle_bits(self): a, c, b = 0, 0, self.bits # Individual raw bits. for i in range(14): if i == 0: ss = max(0, self.bits[0][0] - self.halfbit) else: ss = self.bits_ss_es[i - 1][1] es = self.bits[i][0] + self.halfbit self.bits_ss_es.append([ss, es]) self.putb(i, i, [0, ['%d' % self.bits[i][1]]]) # Bits[0:0]: Startbit 1 s = ['Startbit1: %d' % b[0][1], 'SB1: %d' % b[0][1], 'SB1', 'S1', 'S'] self.putb(0, 0, [1, s]) # Bits[1:1]: Startbit 2 ann_idx = 2 s = ['Startbit2: %d' % b[1][1], 'SB2: %d' % b[1][1], 'SB2', 'S2', 'S'] if self.options['protocol'] == 'extended': s = ['CMD[6]#: %d' % b[1][1], 'C6#: %d' % b[1][1], 'C6#', 'C#', 'C'] ann_idx = 6 self.putb(1, 1, [ann_idx, s]) # Bits[2:2]: Toggle bit s = ['Togglebit: %d' % b[2][1], 'Toggle: %d' % b[2][1], 'TB: %d' % b[2][1], 'TB', 'T'] self.putb(2, 2, [3 if b[2][1] == 0 else 4, s]) # Bits[3:7]: Address (MSB-first) for i in range(5): a |= (b[3 + i][1] << (4 - i)) x = system.get(a, ['Unknown', 'Unk']) s = ['Address: %d (%s)' % (a, x[0]), 'Addr: %d (%s)' % (a, x[1]), 'Addr: %d' % a, 'A: %d' % a, 'A'] self.putb(3, 7, [5, s]) # Bits[8:13]: Command (MSB-first) for i in range(6): c |= (b[8 + i][1] << (5 - i)) if self.options['protocol'] == 'extended': inverted_bit6 = 1 if b[1][1] == 0 else 0 c |= (inverted_bit6 << 6) cmd_type = 'VCR' if x[1] in ('VCR1', 'VCR2') else 'TV' x = command[cmd_type].get(c, ['Unknown', 'Unk']) s = ['Command: %d (%s)' % (c, x[0]), 'Cmd: %d (%s)' % (c, x[1]), 'Cmd: %d' % c, 'C: %d' % c, 'C'] self.putb(8, 13, [6, s]) def edge_type(self): # Categorize according to distance from last edge (short/long). distance = self.samplenum - self.edges[-1] s, l, margin = self.halfbit, self.halfbit * 2, int(self.halfbit / 2) if distance in range(l - margin, l + margin + 1): return 'l' elif distance in range(s - margin, s + margin + 1): return 's' else: raise Exception('Invalid edge distance: %d' % distance) def decode(self, ss, es, data): if self.samplerate is None: raise Exception("Cannot decode without samplerate.") for (self.samplenum, pins) in data: self.ir = pins[0] # Wait for any edge (rising or falling). if self.old_ir == self.ir: continue # State machine. if self.state == 'IDLE': self.edges.append(self.samplenum) self.bits.append([self.samplenum, 1]) self.state = 'MID1' self.old_ir = self.ir continue if self.state == 'MID1': self.state = 'START1' if self.edge_type() == 's' else 'MID0' bit = None if self.edge_type() == 's' else 0 elif self.state == 'MID0': self.state = 'START0' if self.edge_type() == 's' else 'MID1' bit = None if self.edge_type() == 's' else 1 elif self.state == 'START1': if self.edge_type() == 's': self.state = 'MID1' bit = 1 if self.edge_type() == 's' else None elif self.state == 'START0': if self.edge_type() == 's': self.state = 'MID0' bit = 0 if self.edge_type() == 's' else None else: raise Exception('Invalid state: %s' % self.state) self.edges.append(self.samplenum) if bit != None: self.bits.append([self.samplenum, bit]) if len(self.bits) == 14 + 1: self.handle_bits() self.edges, self.bits, self.bits_ss_es = [], [], [] self.state = 'IDLE' self.old_ir = self.ir