system = require('system') # prints a log message if the LOG environment variable is set if system.env.LOG? exports.log = log = (message) -> system.stderr.writeLine "#{new Date().toString()} #{message}" else exports.log = log = -> # prints a message to stderr, reads a line of input, and returns the input exports.ask = ask = (message) -> system.stderr.write message system.stdin.readLine() # a page that directs its console messages to exportss.log = page = require('webpage').create() page.onConsoleMessage = log child_process = require('child_process') # displays a screenshot of the page, and returns the 'display' process object exports.display_screenshot = display_screenshot = -> # FIXME use mktemp, or write to display process directly screenshot = '/tmp/hib-dlagent-phantomjs.png' page.render screenshot child_process.spawn 'display', [screenshot] # checks if there is a login form, and if so, completes it and returns true exports.handle_login = handle_login = (username, password) -> if page.evaluate(-> document.querySelector 'input[name="username"]') log 'Entering login information...' page.evaluate (username, password) -> username_box = document.querySelector 'input[name="username"]' password_box = document.querySelector 'input[name="password"]' if username_box username_box.value = username if password_box password_box.value = password (username_box or password_box)? , username, password # checks if there is captcha, and if so, handles it and returns true exports.handle_captcha = handle_captcha = -> if page.evaluate(-> document.querySelector '#recaptcha_response_field') log 'Humble Bundle wants you to solve a captcha. Displaying screenshot...' display_process = display_screenshot() input = ask 'Enter the captcha solution, or press Enter to get a new challenge: ' display_process.kill() page.evaluate (input)-> if input is '' Recaptcha.reload() else captcha_box = document.querySelector '#recaptcha_response_field' captcha_box.value = input , input # handles login/captcha, repeating if necessary, and performs the action exports.handle_login_captcha = handle_login_captcha = (action, username, password) -> entered_login = handle_login(username, password) entered_captcha = handle_captcha() if entered_login or entered_captcha # Entered information, submit and check for captcha/login again after load finishes log 'Submitting login information and/or captcha response...' page.onLoadFinished = -> handle_login_captcha action, username, password page.evaluate -> # FIXME make sure we're submitting the right form form = document.querySelector('form') if form form.submit() else log 'Logged in...' action()