Tool to download Humble Indie Bundle binaries by file name Author: Eric Anderson Contributor: Thomas Riccardi Contributor: Devin J. Pohly Contributor: Yaohan Chen Description =========== Primarily for use as a DLAGENT in makepkg.conf in Arch Linux, but generally useful when needing to download a particular Humble Bundle file via a script. It also manages a storage directory where already downloaded file can be found. Installation and Usage ====================== This utility currently requires humblebundle-python to query HumbleBundle's API. It uses curl to download the file, or can simply provide the URL needed to download the file so a different HTTP downloader such a Wget can be used. To run hib-dlagent without installating it, add parameters '-S.', which tells it to look for helper script(s) in the current directory. By default hib-dlagent assumes the helper script is installed in /usr/share/hib-dlagent. The provided will install files into this location. If they are installed elsewhere, it is necessary to either run hib-dlagent with the corresponding -S parameters, or edit the variables SCRIPT_PATH and CONFIG_PATH in hib-dlagent. To use as a DLAGENT for the 'hib' scheme, you can modify makepkg.conf: DLAGENTS=(... 'hib::/usr/bin/hib-dlagent -u -o %o %u' ...) Run with the -h argument for more information.